# HUST physics experiment - script for data processing Pick what you want. You can also get data processor at https://recolic.net/phy and https://recolic.net/phy2. **DeplecatedWarning: All scripts must use ./quickmap.py however some of them don't (because of historical reason). Fix it by yourself if there's any bug.** ``` sh Tip: folder name with leading lowercase letter indicates: this experiment was made at first semester. with leading uppercase letter : second ``` ## 黑名单 电路的暂态过程 柯圣志 禁止使用计算机作图 对抄写报告要求严格 电路的暂态过程 魏合林 禁止使用计算机作图 液体表面张力 张佳 禁止使用计算机作图