# recolist This is a collection of trusted, reliable, preferred service provider / merchants chosen by Recolic, basing on my daily life experience. To get on this list, I must be **100% satisfied** to its **long-term** service / quality, and I am actively using / used in my daily life. It might be especially useful for China (People's Republic of) resident and US resident. > High pricing is not a reason to exclude a merchant / product from this list, but fair pricing is bonus to get into this list. ## Category (DRAFT, WIP) <!-- Not recommending any restaurants for fair competition & diversity. PGRldGFpbHM+PHN1bW1hcnk+UmVzdGF1cmFudHM8L3N1bW1hcnk+Cgo+IFRoZSByZXN0YXVyYW50 IG11c3QgYmUgKipvdXRzdGFuZGluZyBpbiBpdHMgb3duIGNhdGVnb3J5KiouIEV4YW1wbGU6IEFs bCBzdXNoaXMgYXJlIGdyZWF0LCBzbyBzdXNoaSByZXN0YXVyYW50cyBhcmUgZXhjbHVkZWQgdW5s ZXNzIG91dHN0YW5kaW5nLgoKPiBEaXNjbGFpbWVyOiBJIGhhdmUgdHJpZWQgVkVSWSBGRVcgcmVz dGF1cmFudHMsIHNvIHRoZSBsaXN0IG1pZ2h0IGJlIGhpZ2hseS1iaWFzZWQhCgpyZWNvc2VsZWN0 IDMtc3Rhcjog5rSq56an5qiTwrfogIHlu6PmnbHmtbfprq7phZLmqJMo6JiH5bee5Lit5b+D5bqX KTsg5rGf5Y2X6ZuF5buaKOiYh+W3nuadjuWFrOWgpOW6lykKCnJlY29zZWxlY3QgMi1zdGFyOiDp h5HmmKXnpqco6Z2S5bKb6YeR6IyC54Gj5bqXKTsg5paw5qKF6I+v6aSQ5buzKOiYh+W3nueNqOWi hea5luW6lyk7IOm8juazsOixkAoKcmVjb3NlbGVjdCAxLXN0YXI6IOeOluS6lOS6rOiPnCjmrabm sYnkuIfosaHln47lupcpCgpQUkMgZGFpbHk6IOaymeWOv+Wwj+WQgzsg6Jyc6Zuq5Yaw5Z+OCgpV UyBkYWlseTogSmFjayBpbiB0aGUgYm94CjwvZGV0YWlscz4K --> <details><summary>Bank / Payment Processor</summary> US: Fidelity Investment; Paypal PRC: Standard Chartered Bank; Alipay Intl Edition; Bank of China on Chromium Litecoin; USDC </details><details><summary>Internet Service Provider</summary> US: Tello; Google Fi Travel: esim.db </details><details><summary>Hosting / BreakGFW Provider</summary> Time4vps; Linode; Vultr; taffy.cloud </details><details><summary>Domain and DNS service provider</summary> Cloudflare; Namecheap </details><details><summary>Software</summary> > Of course, I love all GNU toolchains & open source softwares. There are way too many and I cannot list all of them. I will only list some of them, irreplaceable softwares. Self-Hosted Service: Nextcloud; gitea; iredmail; garage (garagehq.deuxfleurs.fr); v2ray; go-shadowsocks2; owncast Desktop: ArchLinux; GnuPG; Firefox; SwitchyOmega; fish; Jetbrains IDE; OnlyOffice on Windows; Electrum & Electrum-LTC & Electron-Cash Mobile: andOTP; FairEmail; Youtube-Revanced; QR Scanner (by TeaCapps); Editor (org.billthefarmer.editor); 2Do; Cx File Explorer; Iceraven; GPS Status; Simple Gallery Pro (by Simple Mobile Tool); ReadEra; Termux; NFC Tools Pro; NFC Card Emulator Pro </details><details><summary>Hardware Manufacture</summary> Netgear with OpenWRT; Advanced Micro Devices; Plum (Keyboard) Yubico; Protectimus </details><details><summary>Misc service provider</summary> Telnyx; Taobao/TMall; Google Voice </details>