From 8cdded7d1836e7c22be0d39dc73a88e7572eeaa8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Recolic <>
Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2024 21:16:59 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Update

--- | 10 +++++++++-
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index ad6d083..02df872 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1 +1,9 @@
-test readme
\ No newline at end of file
+Bear in mind that the wonderful things you learn in your schools are the work of many generations, produced by enthusiastic effort and infinite labor in every country of the world.  
+All this is put into your hands as your inheritance in order that you may receive it, honor it, add to it, and one day faithfully hand it to your children.  
+Thus do we mortals achieve immortality in the permanent things which we create in common.  
+If you always keep that in mind you will find a meaning in life and work and acquire the right attitude toward other nations and ages.
+請記得, 你們在學校裡面所學習到的那些美好事物 是好多個世代努力的成果, 是世界各國那些熱心的努力和無盡的勞苦產出的.  
+現在這些東西都交到各位的手上 成為你們所繼承的遺產了. 希望你們接受它 榮耀它 增補它, 並且有朝一日 也能夠如實的把它們傳遞給你的孩子們.  
+這就是我們這些會死的人 共同創造永恆事物 成就不朽的辦法.  
+如果你們能夠記得這些東西, 你們就可以在生命和工作中找到意義, 並且獲得正確的態度 來看待其他的國家和其他的時代.