@@ -223,6 +223,11 @@ with open('/dev/fd/1','wb') as f:
## 4
The solution is easy. Since BUFLEN=16, I send `0123456789ab\x`, then dehexify skips the `\0` and prints everything in canary area.
Now I construct a message with 16 junk characters to fill the buffer, correct canary, another 8 characters to shift ebp & other staffes, and the return address, then the shellcode.
## 5
- motivation
@@ -266,8 +271,22 @@ However, we need a fixed-address writable page to put `%ebp`. The page `0x080480
Please see the image below. The procedure is too complicated to explain.

Because I have 40 bytes ahead for payload, I can put a shellcode to launch /bin/sh directly. But if I want to create tcp server, I have to write a simple payload and jmp to `&buf+68`. The simple payload is attached below.
// get current addr
call foo
pop %eax
// 40 + 4+4+4+4+4+4+4 - 5
add $63, %eax
jmp *%eax
I put 5 `nop` at `&buf+68` to make it work even if I have made a mistake.