## This daemon will be autostart-ed on gnome startup.
## It help you submit ncov in completely automatic way.
while true
set fname /tmp/hust-ncov-mark-(env TZ=Asia/Shanghai date +%j)
set fname $HOME/tmp/hust-ncov-mark-(env TZ=Asia/Shanghai date +%j)
set fails 0
if not test -f $fname
@@ -15,7 +13,7 @@ while true
end; or begin
set fails (math 1+$fails)
echo "fails=$fails"
test $fails -ge 14
test $fails -ge 10
and /usr/mybin/recolic_email_notify root@recolic.net "RECOLIC NCOV NOTIFY" "hust-ncov daily auto submit has been failing for $fails times. Please fix the script!"