1. 01 Apr, 2019 5 commits
  2. 30 Mar, 2019 2 commits
  3. 29 Mar, 2019 2 commits
    • psychocrypt's avatar
      avoid hash rate drop during dev pool mining · 50c7bb36
      psychocrypt authored
      Since the dev pool is sometimes using another POW than the user pool the
      hash date can strongly increase or decrease.
      In a case of a hash rate drop a monitoring software could trigger a
      wrong miner restart.
      - use the hash rate calculated during the user pool mining to
      interpulate the number of hashes during the dev pool mining so that the
      statistics stay constant.
    • psychocrypt's avatar
      fix simple start · d8d24bb4
      psychocrypt authored
      Simple starts requires always user interactions if config.txt and
      pools.txt is not available.
      This PR asked the user only on the first advanced option if he/she
      preferse the simple start or an advanced mode.
      If all parameter are already defined via command line options than the
      question will never be shown.
  4. 28 Mar, 2019 9 commits
  5. 25 Mar, 2019 1 commit
    • xmr-stak-team's avatar
      format all files · 87e146e3
      xmr-stak-team authored
      - add .clang-format from RYO
      This PR removes the space indention by tabs.
  6. 23 Mar, 2019 3 commits
  7. 22 Mar, 2019 1 commit
    • psychocrypt's avatar
      AMD: workaround driver memory leaks · 920a334f
      psychocrypt authored
      Instead of creating a new kernel for each block we pre-build 25 kernel within a chunk.
      This reduces the calls to `clCreateProgramWithSource` which creates the leaks and will crash the miner after a few hours.
      Workaround was first introduced by @SChernykh in xmrig-amd
  8. 15 Mar, 2019 8 commits
  9. 13 Mar, 2019 1 commit
  10. 11 Mar, 2019 8 commits