# Intune for Archlinux
There are two levels of Intune Setup.
After installing level-1, you can access everything with certificate copied from a level-2 machine.
After installing level-2, you can actually enroll the machine and get a certificate.
1. Install `libsdbus-c++0 msalsdk-dbusclient msft-identity-broker` packages in this repo. Note that they depends on `jre11-openjdk`.
> Installing level-2 components will make your machine managed. You must satisfy password requirements, and disk-encryption requirements. Ref: <>
Use a Ubuntu **20.04** VM to perform level-2 enroll. ArchLinux level-2 enroll is theoretically supported, but I never tested it.
1. install intune-portal and its dependencies (pwquality)
2. copy /etc/os-release from ubuntu 2004 to archlinux
3. make sure you followed procedure of official doc
It's suggested to keep the Ubuntu VM powered-on forever, to keep the certificate valid.
> You need to keep your level-2 machine running, or your certificate will invalidate in 1 month.
Copy the following files from enrolled Level-2 machine to unenrolled Level-1 machine:
/etc/os-release # Note: this is a symbol-link in ubuntu
**Reboot** to make sure gnome-keyring-daemon is using the latest keyring file.
Then, run `seahorse` to double-confirm your "login" keyring is unlocked and non-empty. It may ask you to enter the previous login password.
> You could change the password but DO NOT remove the password protection! There is a known bug <>
## FAQ and debug
If your edge browser is not allowing you to login, check the following logs:
1. Any error message in `journalctl --user -u msft-identity-broker.service`?
2. Any error message in `sudo journalctl -u msft-identity-device-broker.service`?
3. Run `seahorse` and is there Intune entries in your `login` keyring? Is it `set as default`?
4. Run `ldd /usr/lib/`. Is there undefined reference?
### Common errors
- msft-identity-broker.service: Failed at step STATE_DIRECTORY spawning /opt/msft/identitybroker/bin/msft-identity-broker: Operation not permitted
This is a permission issue. Please run `chmod 777 -R /opt/msft` as root, **and** run `chown -R YourName /home/YourName/.config`, and restart the service.
- msft-identity-broker.service: Failed to set up special execution directory in /home/YourName/.config: Operation not permitted
This is also a permission issue while overwritting user config with root account manually. Please run `chown -R YourName /home/YourName/.config` and restart the service.
- Failed to decrypt with key:LinuxBrokerRegularUserSecretKey thumbprint
Run `seahorse` and make sure your **default** keyring is unlocked, and contains **valid** certificates.
- Microsoft Edge crashed immediately on startup (SIGSEGV)
If your Microsoft Edge crashes immediately on startup because of SIGSEGV.
Firstly, stop all msft-identity-broker services, uninstall `msft-identity-broker` and try again. If the problem is resolved, use the following solution:
1. Uninstall `msft-identity-broker` and delete everything in `~/.config/msft-identity-broker/` and `/var/lib/msft-identity-device-broker/`.
2. Delete `~/.config/microsoft-edge-xxx` and `~/.cache/microsoft-edge-xxx`, and launch your microsoft edge for the first time. (Finish the initial configuration)
3. Install `msft-identity-broker` and enroll it again.
4. Launch Microsoft Edge and login. It should not crash now.