@@ -21,20 +21,17 @@ Use a Ubuntu **20.04** VM to perform level-2 enroll. ArchLinux level-2 enroll is
2. copy /etc/os-release from ubuntu 2004 to archlinux
3. make sure you followed procedure of official doc
It's suggested to keep the Ubuntu VM powered-on forever, to keep the certificate valid.
> Note: modifying `/etc/os-release` might cause problem for dkms. Run `[[ -f /usr/bin/dkms ]] && sed -i 's/sign_file=[^ ]*$/sign_file=Iamnotubuntudonotlookforsignfileplease /g' /usr/bin/dkms` if you are getting dkms error.
## Move certificates from Level-2 machine to Level-1 machine
> You need to keep your level-2 machine running, or your certificate will invalidate in 1 month.
> The certificate will usually expire in 1 month.
Copy the following files from enrolled Level-2 machine to unenrolled Level-1 machine:
/etc/os-release # Note: this is a symbol-link in ubuntu