A Zygisk module which fix "ctsProfileMatch" (SafetyNet) and "MEETS_DEVICE_INTEGRITY" (Play
- Magisk with Zygisk enabled.
- KernelSU with [ZygiskNext]( module installed.
[**Download the latest here**](
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## About module
It injects a classes.dex file to modify few fields in android.os.Build class. Also, in native code
it creates a hook to modify system properties.
The purpose of the module is to avoid a hardware attestation.
## Failing BASIC verdict
If you are failing basicIntegrity (SafetyNet) or MEETS_BASIC_INTEGRITY (Play Integrity) something is
wrong in your setup. My recommended steps in order to find the problem:
- Disable all modules except mine.
- Check your SELinux (must be enforced).
Some modules which modify system can trigger DroidGuard detection, never hook GMS processes.
## Certify Play Store and fix Google Wallet
- Flash my module in Magisk/KernelSU (if you already have my module, just ignore this step).
- Clear Google Wallet cache.
- Clear Google Play Store cache.
- Clear GSF ( cache.
- Clear GMS cache.
adb shell "logcat | grep 'PIF'"
## Can this module pass MEETS_STRONG_INTEGRITY?
## About Play Integrity, SafetyNet is deprecated
You can read more info
here: [click me](